Completed Workshop Seminar Summaries

Seminar 1 of the BC LTBIA Workshop Seminar Series - March 25, 2021

We would like to thank all participants and our presenters, Peter Sperlich and Kelly Marciniw, for helping make our first ever Virtual Roundtable Workshop Seminar such a great success. You can watch the seminar here.

This seminar brought industry members, suppliers, and partners together to discuss 2 vital topics in our industry and strategize solutions and objectives. Participants then broke into separate breakout rooms to discuss their chosen topics and define action items for the BC LTBIA to share and pursue.

March 25 Workshop Roundtable Topics

1. Fibre Acquisition: Fibre Challenges and Long-term Supply Chain Solutions -Peter Sperlich of Canadian Pride Log and Timber Products View Peter’s presentation here.

2. Energy Carbon Policy: Where we are and where it is going - Kelly Marciniw, Pan-Abode International. You can view Kelly’s presentation here.

Seminar 2 of the BC LTBIA Workshop Seminar Series - April 22, 2021

John Boys of Nicola Log Works discussed the nuts and bolts of sealing a house. As energy efficiency, conservation and BC Building Code continue to intimately affect our industry, gaskets, chinking, tapes, membranes, and all things building envelope are more crucial now than ever. Blower door tests will soon be mandatory for most log homes built in BC.

John presented on materials and methods for log homes, with a focus on gasket options. We would like to thank all participants and our presenter, John Boys of Nicola Log Works, for sharing such valuable information on this topic. You can watch the seminar here.

Seminar 3 of the BC LTBIA Workshop Seminar Series - May 20, 2021

Presented by Rothoblaas

Philipp Greenfield, Technical Salesman Canada West gave 2 informative presentations: Staying On Brand and, Timber Projects Big and Small

Watch the seminar 3 here.

Seminar 4 of the BC LTBIA Workshop Seminar Series - June 24, 2021

Export Navigator and the Trade Commissioner Service

Export Navigator was designed to help businesses located in non-metropolitan areas. If your business is looking to grow and is located in one of our regions (outside of Greater Vancouver and Greater Victoria), we can help you on your export journey!

The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) helps Canadian companies navigate the complexities of international markets. If you want your business to grow internationally, tap into our expertise.

Watch seminar 4 here!

Seminar 5 - July 22, 2021

Wood Finishing and the Proper Maintenance Cycle Presented by Dai Ona, Owner of Daizen Joinery

Sponsored by Sansin

Dai Ona shared key factors, methods, and products in wood finishing based on his firsthand experience.

Wood finishing has two main functions: protection and aesthetic.

Protection is instrumental and works best with proper wood preparation and product application. Aesthetically, the look of the finish varies depending on the wood surface, its texture, and overall condition.

When done right, finishes can have excellent longevity, but ultimately are not permanent. Finishes done incorrectly or at the end of their lifespan will fail. Knowing why they have failed and what needs to be done when it does is of benefit to the homeowner so they can protect their investment. A proper maintenance cycle armed with the right techniques and the right products ensures this.

Watch seminar 5 here!

Seminar 6 - October 6, 2021

Hiring Creatively: principles, culture and systems to attract and retain talent

Presented by: Gil Davidson, Advantage Management and Shawnee Love of LoveHR

These 2 experts to reviewed strategies and methods to attract, recruit, and retain quality employees in 2 incredibly engaging and informative seminars covering:

• Developing your Employment Brand

• Creative methods of recruiting

• Systems and processes that support high retention

• How leaders and culture engender loyalty

Watch the seminar here!

Our first presentation was presented by Shawnee Love. Shawnee specializes in helping companies develop the right systems and processes to support recruiting, developing, and retaining talent.

Recruiting Creatively Presentation

Our second presentation was on Employee Retention and given by Gil Davidson. Gil specializes in developing leaders and teams to scale business success.

Employee Retention: Building Loyalty Presentation