Final details of the 27th BCLTBIA Conference and registration information are now available on our website.
We recommend you call ahead to reserve your room from Thursday evening through to Sunday morning. The contact number for the Prestige Harbourfront Resort is 250-833-5800. Please let the Resort know you are with the BCLTBIA Conference. Conference registration fees include your meals and refreshments from Friday breakfast through to Saturday evening events.
Highlights this year include: Seminars and workshops on Education and Training in the Industry, BCTS Fibre Access issues, Marketing, Informative Payroll seminars with Paula Hughes, Hands-on workshops, Reducing Wood Movement with Dai Ona and on site tour, OHSP & Employee Handbook seminar, insurance benefit plans, and Round table discussions on Building Code and more. This event will kick off with our Thursday night casual welcome and informal meeting with others at your choice of the many facilities on site at the Prestige.
In keeping with our traditions, we will be hosting the Annual Auction and the Truss Building Competition, with the chance to win a variety of awesome prizes (to be announced soon). This year’s event also encourages employers to bring their employees and families, as the facility and surrounding area offer many opportunities for all to enjoy.
Beyond the conference schedule, there is much to gain by all attendees: Networking, support, and most importantly, friendship. Our conferences offer the opportunity to share with others who carry the same passion for our trade. Looking forward to see you in the Shuswap very soon!