Unbeatable School of Log Construction

My goal is to present you with the most up-to-date techniques and details of the modern handcrafted log construction industry, teaching you knowledge to either build your own cabin or give you the foundation for finding a job in the log home building industry.

The unBEATable School of Log Construction is situated in the heart of the Cariboo Chilcotin, one of the most beautiful areas in not only British Columbia, but in Canada. It is the ideal location for outdoor enthusiasts with ample lakes, rivers, trails, mountains and the activities that go along with them.



Contact Details

Contact Person: Beat Schwaller

Phone: 250-305-6304
Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address:
2855 Felker Road
Williams Lake, BC V2G 4W3

Physical Address:
4495 Cattle Drive
Williams Lake, BC